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I'm Tiberiu. A Front End Developer living in Romania. Specialized in HTML5 and WordPress responsive websites, newsletters, banner animations and more.

Project showcase


I build responsive websites from scratch that fit perfectly with design.
For content management I use WordPress. I collaborate with backend developers and teams to integrate the design with various CMS systems.

Banner animations

I use Adobe Animate to build HTML5 animated banners. I work with the client's design and storyboard, always putting quality first.



I build quality newsletters that work on all major email clients. I provide MailChimp integration if necessary.



I had the chance and curiosity to build few games over the years. I started with flash games and I've transitioned to HTML5. Lately I've started playing with Godot, a free and open source game engine that can export the game for multiple platforms.

mobile app

Mobile app

The app was initially build using Adobe Animate and ActionScript 3.0. The overal performance was low. I have decided to rebuild the app from scratch using xCode and Objective C.